Youth Division
Department A
Superintendent: Cheryl Ortlieb
4-H Educator: Jennifer Collins 4-H Program Educator: Wendy Richardson
Premiums: Excellent (Blue) $3.00; Good (Red) $2.00; Worthy (White) $1.00
General Entry Rules and Regulations
All non - animal exhibits must be made on Sunday before the fair 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Judging will occur as you enter your exhibits on Sunday. (4-H interactive judging will only occur 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.)
For Questions concerning 4-H entries, call the 4-H Office 315-866-7920
Entries are open to all youth 5 years to 18 years and under as of the date of first day of fair and a resident of Herkimer County and those youths who attend schools in Herkimer County, or surrounding counties.
All entries must have been grown, made or have been prepared by the exhibitor. Entries must be from the current year or after the 2023 Fair.
The Fair Board and Superintendent reserve the absolute and final right to interpret and apply rules and determine all questions. The Superintendent reserves the right to accept or reject any entry before the opening or judging of any shows.
All property entered for competition or display shall be subject to all rules and regulation published herein. All property brought and kept upon the fairgrounds shall be at the owner’s risk.
We encourage entry forms to be filled out in advance and brought with your exhibits. (Available from Fair Association’s office or Cornell Cooperative Extension of Herkimer County Office.)
Pre-Registration of organization exhibits, divisions I must be made by August 1st. Location and size of exhibits will depend on number of entries received.
Removal of Exhibits
Articles may be picked up on Monday, the day after the fair, between the hours of 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. Failure to comply with this regulation entails forfeiting of all prizes. According to New York State Agriculture and Markets Department all exhibits on the closing day should be as attractive in every department as anytime during the week of the Fair. No early removals.
An exhibitor who conducts himself or herself in an improper manner or by the flagrant violation of the rules and regulations will be subject to expulsion from the fairgrounds with a subsequent forfeit of awards, premiums, guarantees and privileges of participation.
**There is no limit on the number of entries unless otherwise stated but entries should vary.
No awards will be given for duplicate entries of the same type.
Division A - Clothing & Textiles
Sewing, Knitting. Crocheting, Embellished, Tie-dyed
Division B - Fine Arts & Creative Crafts
Drawing, Painting. Pottery, Jewelry
Division C - Home Interiors
Division D -Food & Nutrition
Cooking, Baking, Recipe Collections
All baked entries must have been baked from scratch by exhibitor. No refrigerated or frozen dough or box mixes permitted. Use of a bread machine is not allowed. No exhibits requiring refrigeration are allowed (cream or custard based pies or cakes). Remove all items from baking pans (except pies) and exhibit on paper plates or foiled-wrapped cardboard. Exhibit must be covered with plastic resealable bags-no plastic wrap. Do not bake muffins or cupcakes in paper liners. Include recipe card (product name. ingredients, preparation steps, and Yield) should be included with all entries. Indicate how the recipe was modified to make it healthier. An exhibit is: 3 samples of small items(cookies, muffins, cupcakes, rolls, breadsticks, pretzels or similar products) or one of a large item (loaf bread, cake, coffee cake, or similar product} or whole item if Needed to convey appearance of product ( pie, turtle shaped bread, or similar products)
Division E - Horticulture
Flowers, Fruit, Vegetable, Potted Plants
Cut flowers should be 8 inches long except where the type of flower makes this impossible.
Exhibits consist of 3 stems with the same color except as noted
Gladiolas - one spike with at least a 12 inch stem. Roses -one stem of the type listed.
Dahlias - three blooms of one color -or one bloom if over 6 inches
Vegetables - 3 of each category except for the larger vegetable like pumpkin (only one is needed labeled to Variety)
Division F - Technology & Engineering
Woodworking - Power Tool made article or Hand Tool made article
Electrical -Science Project - Electric Project or Electronic Project
Division G -Photography
Please Limit # of exhibits to four
Division H -Human Development/Child Care Projects
Division I - Community Service
Poster or 3 Dimensional Exhibit describing a community service project conducted by a group or individual. This is designed to demonstrate projects that go beyond service to the community & recognize youth as active citizens. Exhibits must have 2 parts:
A. two page summary of the project
B. A 3 dimensional exhibit that visually displays the entire project or highlights certain parts in a manner which tells the public what positive effects the project had on the community.
4-H Pride-club banners, secretary books , achievement books
Division J - Leadership & Citizenship
Leadership -entries should show the abilities & skills in working successfully with other people
Citizenship- entries should show how they develop better with family, friends. Neighbors & community
Division K - Public Presentations
Participants in this class are invited to demonstrate a working presentation
Division L - Miscellaneous/School Projects
Anything grown or made by an exhibitor not listed elsewhere in the book
School Projects- any schoolwork assignments =science, math, social studies, language arts or math