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Kids Power Wheel Derby

Sponsored by: The Petkovsek Family & Stewart's Shops

Sunday, August 18th @ 6:00p.m.

    Wayne Johnson
  1. Children 3-10 may participate -2 age groups 3-5 & 6-10

  2. Any regular electric power wheel allowed but must have doors

  3. Helmets, long sleeves, long pants, and boots or sneakers required

  4. All doors & Tailgates must be strapped shut -no sharp edges -  use zip ties or duct tape

  5. Tires must be covered with duct tape to prevent breaking & must be a  stock tire

  6. The vehicle is allowed to have 6, 10, 12 volt battery & must be secured & sealed away from the child & can’t be mounted on the passenger seat

  7. Decorative changes can be allowed but no reinforcements

  8. Only the Participant  will be allowed in  the show area  when the derby starts

  9. All participants will receive a prize

  10. A special award for the best decorated power wheel will be awarded in each division

  11. All spectators are invited to stand behind the barriers in the show area when the event starts to cheer on the children.

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