Department L
Superintendent: Sarah Halliburton
Best of Show and Fair Theme Rosettes will be awarded
High Point Norma Johnson Memorial Trophy
Premiums: 1st - $4.00, 2nd - $3.00, 3rd - $1.00
General Entry Rules and Regulations Entry Form
All classes are residents of Herkimer County and surrounding counties and must be 19 years or older.
All articles must be entered before the Fair, Sunday 12 - 5 p.m., Monday 12 - 8 p.m., or by 10 a.m. Tuesday, the opening day of the Fair.
Exhibits must be the work of the exhibitor and from the current year, started after last year’s Fair, until this year.
Articles must remain on display until Monday, day after closing of fair and all articles unclaimed will be taken to the Fair office and will be disposed of after one week.
The Fair Board & Superintendent reserve the right to interpret & apply rules ®ulations
The Judges & Superintendent reserves the right to accept or reject any entry before or during judging and before the opening of the Fair. Exhibits considered “unworthy” will not be judged or awarded a premium.
Exhibits will be opened at the discretion of the judges.
All items entered & kept on the grounds are at the owner’s risk. The fair is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged articles.
High Point winners cannot win for more than 3 years. THEME is “Saddle Up and come on down to the Fair.”
DIVISION 1 - Canned Items
Color should be as near as possible to natural color of fruit or vegetable. Syrup or liquid should be clean, free from cloudiness, seeds, bubbles or foam. Should be packed with reference to symmetry and best use of space. As large a portion of solids to liquids as possible, and should be uniform in shape and size. Containers should be of size and shape practical for use in the average home. Jars should be clean and neat, not sticky and sealed properly.
Should be labeled with date and product only.
Multiple entries allowed in each Section as long as each entry is a different vegetable and or fruit
Section A - Fruit - any fruit Section F - Relish/Sauce/Salsa
Section B - Vegetables - any vegetable Section G - Jellies
Section C - Meats Section H - Jams
Section D - Pickles Section I - Preserve/Marmalades/Conserves
Section E - Pickled Items Section J - Syrups
DIVISION 2 - Homemade Cheese & Butter, Maple Syrup Recipes
Section 1 Cheese - Homemade cheese - bring a chunk of cheese in a Zip-Lock bag - at least
3 x 3 in size - may exhibit more than one as long as it is different cheeses.
Section 2 Homemade butter - bring in at least a half pint or 1/4 pound in container.
Section 3 Butter sculpture limited to 12 inches high.
Section 4 Any recipe using cheese or butter requiring refrigeration.
Section 5 Any recipe using maple syrup or honey.
A cooler will be provided for above exhibits.
DIVISION 3 - Culinary
All entries must be made from scratch by exhibitors
No boxed mixes, frozen, refrigerator or pre pack aged dough are to be used.
Use of bread machine is not allowed.
No entry that requires refrigeration will be accepted.
Do not bake muffins or cupcakes in paper liners.
Exhibits must be covered with a re-sealable plastic bag -no aluminum foil or plastic wrap
Section A - Yeast Bread/Rolls
Should be in a regular 9x4 oblong pan. Should be raised, uniformly golden brown, uniform in, be light throughout, no heavy spots or areas, not heavy for size, slightly moist, creamy white, tender but not crumbly, fine even grain, elastic when pressed with finger, should have no suggestion of sourness or overpowering taste of yeast.
Class 1 - Plain
Class 2.- Whole Grain
Class 3 - Multi-grain
Class 4 - Any Flavored
Class 5 - Any not listed
Class 6- Rolls any shape/flavor
Section B - Quick Breads
Should be in a 9x4 oblong loaf pan, should be well raised, uniformly golden brown, light, not heavy for size, slightly moist, elastic when pressed with finger. Should have no suggestion of sourness or taste of baking powder or soda.
Class 1 - Banana
Class 2.- Bluebeny
Class 3 - Apple
Class 4 - Pumpkin
Class 5 - Zucchini
Class 6 - Muffin
Class 7 - Biscuits
Class 8 - Any not listed
Section C - Cakes/Cupcakes
Should be slightly rounded, Should be light brown and uniform in color, should be moist and tender, easily broken with no signs of doughiness, should be elastic(bounce back when pressed and have no decided taste of shortening, egg or flavoring
Class 1 - Layered Cake
Class 2.- Sheet Cake
Class 3 - Misc (Crumb, Coffee)
Class 4 - Cupcakes (any kind)
Section D - Cookies
Should not be over 4 inches in diameter, uniform in size and shape, delicately browned. Texture and Grain depends on type of cookie.
Class 1 - Rolled - sugar, butter, refrigerator
Class 2.- Dropped - oatmeal, molasses, chocolate chip
Class 3 - Bar type - would include brownies
Section E - Pies
Should not exceed 9 inches in diameter, have a light flaky crust, uniformly golden brown with no signs of doughiness.
Class 1 - Single Crust - any kind
Class 2.- Double Crust
Section F - Candy (new)
Class 1 - Home made candy (at least 6 samples)
Items should be clean, free from stains and odors, should be smooth & even, should have no loose or curled edges. All area should be neat and well finished. They should be suitable for use and be appropriate quality
Section A - Embroidery
Section B - Crochet
Section C - Knitting
Section D - Afghans - Crocheted -- More than one entry allowed if designed differently
- only one entry per design
Section E - Quilting\Quilted Items -- Hand or Machine
Section F - Rugs
Section G - Cross-stitch
Section H - Swedish/Huck Weaving
Section I - Sewing -- Hand or Machine
Section J - Beading/Bead work
************************* NEW YORK STATE FAIR ENTRY *************************
A County fair may select one exhibit from Homemaking or Arts & Crafts divisions and enter into the Best of County fair exhibit at the State Fair. No cost to the County Fair or Exhibitor.