Forage & Grain Crops
Department j
Superintendent: Kathy Elthorp
Best of Show Rosette will be awarded
Premiums awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
1st $4.00, 2nd $2.00, 3rd $1.00
Class winners will be eligible to compete in the New York State Contest at the State Fair
All entries of hay must be in the form of a machine packed BALE.
A four-inch slice will be extracted from the exhibit for judging and later exposition entries.
The silage must be in a one-quart glass container with a top attached.
All entries must be in by Tuesday, opening day of the fair by 1 p.m.
Hay ENTRIES will be judged on the basis of time cutting (stage of maturity), legume content, relative to limits of class, color (compared to U.S. No. 1 extra Green) leafiness, fineness and softness of stems, odor and amount of insect or disease damage, mold and various types of foreign materials.
SILAGE ENTRIES will be judged on such factors as desirable maturity, color, and odor.
101 First cutting alfalfa not over 10% grass
102 Second or third cutting alfalfa not over 10%
103 First cutting alfalfa not over 25% grass
104 Second or third cutting alfalfa not over 25% grass
105 First cutting mixed hay, any combination of alfalfa and/or birdsfoot trefoil and grass (Not duplicating previous classes)
106 Second or third cutting mixed hay, any combination of alfalfa and/or birdsfoot trefoil and grass (Not duplicating classes 102 or 104)
107 Haylage, displayed in quart jars (65% moisture or higher)
108 Haylage, displayed in quart jars (Less than 65% moisture)
109 Corn silage, displayed in quart jars
Grain Crops
120 Barley, one pint of grain
121 Barley, sheaf of about 20 stalks, bound
122 Oats, one pint of grain
123 Oats, sheaf of 20 stalks, bound
124 Wheat, one pint of grain
125 Wheat, sheaf of 20 Stalks
135 Sunflowers 3 plants in a bag
136 Miscellaneous crops (such as soybeans or rye )
Grain Crops
127 Corn, Picking,5 stalkes
128 Corn Silage, 5 stalkes
129 Sorgham,5 Stalks
130 Sudangrass, sheath
131 High Moisture ear corn
132 High moisture shell corn
133 Triticate(pint) of grain