Flower Show
Department K
Superintendent: Sue Viox
Rosettes awarded for Best of Show and Best of Divisions
Fair theme Rosette may be awarded based on current fair theme
The Josephine Fitzgerald High Point Memorial Trophy
David Dudgeon - Reserve High Point Trophy
awarded for high point & reserve high point respectively
Judging will take place starting at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, the opening day of the Fair
No exhibitors are allowed in the flower area during judging hours.
General Rules: Entry Form
All classes are open to residents 19 years of age & older from Herkimer County & neighboring counties.
The superintendent must pass all entries.
Exhibitors can register horticultural entries the day before the Fair opens (Monday) from 12 noon until 8 p.m. and Tuesday (opening day) from 8 a.m. until 10 a.m. Any and all entries must be in place by the deadline NO EXCEPTIONS. All entries will not be removed from the flower show until Monday (the day after the fair ends) from 9 a.m. until noon. Anything left after noon will be disposed of.
Exhibitors may utilize mailing labels (with name and address on them ) on entry forms to expedite the entry process.
The Fair will provide all containers, water and wedging material for cut specimens.
The Fair will afford all possible protection for exhibits but will not be responsible for injury or loss.
Cut plants shall not have any foliage below the water line.
The following are not permitted to be part of any entry - artificial flowers or foliage and features such as birds’ nest, eggs, butterflies, etc.
Entries should be identified by common name and variety (if known). Also encouraged to label with the botanical name.
Containers or pots are not to exceed 11 inches for entries in Section E, F, and G.
All plant material must have been grown by exhibitor in Section A - H and J (65 & 68). The exhibitor must have grown more than half of the plant material used in designs in Section J (67, 68, & 69) .Entries in Sections E, F, G, must have been grown by the exhibitor for at least 45 days.
An exhibitor is allowed only one entry in each class except for class 17, 27, 33, 42, 50, 51, 56, 62, These classes allow multiple entries where the entry is a different variety. Flower or plant Sections E and G entries must have been grown and exhibited in the same container.
High Point awards will be awarded as follows:
1st place = 3 points, 2nd place = 2 points, 3rd place = 1 point.
This trophy will be awarded to an individual for no more than three consecutive years.
Section A-H (classes 1 - 64) -- 1st = $3.00, 2nd = $2.00, and 3rd = $1.00
Section J (classes 65 69) -- 1st = $4.00, 2nd = $2.00, and 3rd = $1.00
Section A - Annuals
A-l Aster, 3 blooms, any color
A-2 Bachelor's Button (Cornflower) 3 blooms
A-3 Calendula, 3 blooms
A-4 Celosia, 1 stem
A-5 Cosmos, 1 spray
A-6 Larkspur, 1 spike
A-7 Marigold, 3 blooms
A-8 Nasturtium, 3 blooms
A-9 Pansy, 3 blooms
A-10 Petunia, 1 spray
A-l 1 Phlox, 3 stems, any color
A-12 Snapdragon, 1 spike
A-13 Strawflower, 1 spray
A-14 Sunflower, 1 bloom
A-15 Verbena, 1 bloom
A-16 Zinnia, 3 blooms
A-17 Annual flower or ornamental foliage
not listed, 3 blooms or 1 spray
A-18 Exhibit of 3 different Annuals, 1 of each
Section B - Biennials & Perennials
B-19 Bee-Balm (Monarda) 3 Blooms
B-20 Black-eyed Susan, 1 spray
B-21 Chrysanthemum, 1 spray
B-22 Coneflower, 1 stem
B-23 Daisy, 3 stems
B-24 Daylily, 1 stem
B-25 Gaillardia (blanket flower), 1 bloom
B-26 Ground Covers (Sedum, Artemisia, etc.),
1 lateral or 3 stems)
B-27 Herb,( flowering) 1 spray or stem
B-28 Monkshood, 1 spray
B-29 Phlox, 1 spray
B-30 Sedum, 1 stem
B-31 Sweet Pea (Lathyrus), 3 stems
B-32 Viola, 3 blooms, any color
B-33 Any other biennial or perennial flower,
not listed, 1 large bloom, 3 small blooms,
or 1 spray of 2 or more blooms
Section C - Bulbs, Corms, Tubers
C-34 Dahlia, 3 blooms
C-35 Gladiolus, 1 spike of any variety
C-36 Miniature Gladiolus, 2 spikes, any variety
C-37 Lilium, 1 stem, any variety
Section D - Roses
D-38 Hybrid Tea Rose, 1 bloom, any variety
D-39 Miniature Rose, 1 spray any color
D-40 Climber Rose, 1 lateral any color
D-41 Shrub Rose, 1 spray, any color
D-42 Any other rose variety, 1 bloom
or spray, any color
Section E - Container Grown Plants
E-43 Begonia, any variety
E-44 Bonsai, any variety, specify species
E-45 Coleus, any variety
E-46 Geranium, any variety
E-47 Impatiens, any variety
E-48 Bromeliad, Succulent or Cactus, any variety
E-49 Fuschia(hanging Basket)
E-50 Any flowering plant not listed in schedule
E-51 Any foliage plant not listed in schedule
Section F - African Violets
F-52 Single Flowered African Violet,
F-53 Trailing African Violet
F-54 Miniature African Violet
F-55 Any other Violet not listed
Section G - Orchids
G-56 Cattleya (Corsage Orchid)
G-57 Dendrobium
G-58 Oncidium
G-59 Paphiopedilum &others(Lady Slippers)
G-60 Phalaenopsis (Moth Orchid)
Section H - Trees, Shrubs, & Vines
H-61 Deciduous or Broadleaf Shrub, 1 branch
H-62 Flowering or Berried Shrub, 1 branch
H-63 Hydrangea, 1 flower head
H-64 Conifer, 1 branch
Section J - Design
J-65 Creative dish garden
J-66 Window Box of Flowering or Foliage plants
J-67 Centerpiece , collection of natural flowers
J-68 Natural wreath
J-69 2022 Fair Theme Creative Arrangement
“Celebrating a Festival of Sports"