Department O
Superintendent: Pauline Bunce
Premiums awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
Best of Show and Fair Theme Rosettes will be awarded
June Puleo Memorial High Point Trophy
John Puleo Memorial Best of Show Trophy
General Entry Rules and Regulations Entry Form
Open to everyone of all ages in Herkimer County and adjoining Counties
Items are not to be sold or dealt with.
Each entry must be tagged with a card giving its age and some history, if possible.
All entries must be at least twenty years old or older.
Exhibits accepted 12-8 p.m. Monday or on Tuesday before 10a.m. before the fair and taken out on Monday after my fair by 11 am. Early removals will forfeit prize money.
An article that has previously been exhibited at this fair may not be re-entered but can be on display. This applies only to class 1.
All articles must be clean and in good condition.
Owners are responsible to bring the article to the fair and for removal of same.
The decision of the judges/superintendent are final.
Any article in a collection cannot be entered singly.
Best of Show and High Point Winners cannot win these awards.for more than 2 consecutive years
Premiums will be paid only for 3 entries per class.
Division 1: Small Items
Premiums: 1st - $3.00, 2nd - $2.00, 3rd - $1.00
Class 1 Mechanical Objects (Electrical)
Class 2 Hand Tools or hand driven
Class 3 All Kitchen Gadgets
Class 4 Books , pamphlets, pictures
Class 5 Music sheets, records, tapes
Class 6 Jewelry, Clothes
Class 7 Glassware, Pottery
Class 8 Toys
Class 9 Quilts, Knit Goods
Class 10 Miscellaneous
Division 2: Mid Size Antique Items
Premiums: 1st - $5.00, 2nd - $3.00, 3rd - $2.00
Class 1 Gas Engines
Class 2 Large Farm implements
Class 3 Garden Tractors
Class 4 Large Misc (furniture, machinery)
Division 3: Antique Tractors
Premiums: 1st - $10.00, 2nd - $5.00, 3rd - $3.00
Best of Show: $15.00
Division 4: Antique Collections
Premiums: 1st - $10.00, 2nd - $7.00, 3rd - $5.00
A collection of at least 5 of the same type of articles such as green or red ware, bells, plates, or other objects excluding paper products,